Hdmovieshub | Best movies to watch this weekend

This energetic and brutal Indonesian action film centers on Lam (Iko Uwais), a rookie SWAT team member who is ordered to break into a 30-story apartment block run by a ruthless drug baron. You can check the moviesverse and search for your favorite movies of all time. Go and explore the ocean of entertainment on the website.

He doesn't even go on the spot

The simplicity of the plot allows him to put himself at the center of the action. But he also does not get involved immediately. In the first act, it takes time to get everything ready. For example, the stakes. Ram has a wife and an unborn child at home, so he doesn't want to die - boom.

Secret sub-goals to achieve

He also has a secret secondary motive for coming to the building. Bam. The film wants you to see how dangerous this mission is before it begins. For this reason, there are a few slow moments at the beginning of the film to create dramatic tension.

This film could have been much longer

Boom! They would not have added depth if the film had been longer or a simple drama. It is intended to support the action. If you're like me, you tend to get excited when there's a fight scene that makes you feel disgusted or scared for the characters.

A few touches and moments

Once the Rama is over and the stakes are properly set, the action proceeds like a wall from now until the end, punctuated by small pauses and moments of tension. This is the essence of the film and its raison d'être.

A film that relies on action halfway through

And we know that many action films are made purely for the sake of action, and they are terrible. A recent example is The Old Guard. I cannot stand films that assume that the action takes place in the middle. I hate them.

There is technology in this fight

I cannot stand this film. The action here is phenomenal. First of all, it is shot in an easy-to-understand way so that you can properly appreciate the talent involved in these fights. Secondly, it is done by truly trained fighters.

The film manages to be both entertaining and informative

I don't know what style it is, but it is a raw and interesting martial art. Iko Uwais is also one of the choreographers of the film, and basically, everyone in the film is a highly trained stuntman and actor.

A great gift for action film fans

Because the choreography is fast, intricate, in front of the camera, and impossible to fake. The speed with which they pretend to kick and punch with a knife is amazing. It is dizzying. Mysterious. A great incentive for all action fans.

You don't even realize it's happening

At one point a man hits a table, but the table doesn't break. If you're not as bored with American action as I am, you probably won't notice. A table that mimics table behavior in real life?

I think so

A novel! And we suppose this film has its own brand of Indonesian clichés. Its influence is fresh, that's all. And no American action film has ever been more energetic and brimming with martial talent.

Superb choreography and superb craftsmanship

American cinema knows how to cheat and rely on a single skilled performer, but it is the real achievement that makes this film a must-see. Without good choreography and remarkable execution. You can check the hdmovieshub and search for your favorite movies of all time. Go and explore the ocean of entertainment on the website.

A significant place in the making of the film

The Raid is nothing more than a decent attempt at an action film. The plot is simple but solid and there is only one significant isolated location, which makes the story more streamlined and helps to save the budget. It also has a well-drawn protagonist to ground it.

With such a simple setting, the killing is done

But then. He uses this simple setup and kills it. The pure action is often a turn-off for me, but I recommend this film unreservedly.


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